Let The Adventure Begin
Adventure Volunteers is an innovative program from Peace for Conservation designed to combine tourism with volunteering. We strive to create programs to help the cause of animal conservation and to preserve the local culture.
Wildlife Filming
Peace for conservation organize filming and documentary for conservation education in schools and community for purpose of providing conservation education through filming “Community TV show “ each year the organization produce documentary 5 documentaries related to conservation challenges to address the problem to wildlife stakeholders, the Video CD distributed to stakeholders, such as media, NGOs partners . The wildlife filming, Photographer, and documentary organized from June to October each year. After filming shooting the team visit at a National park for a safari tour.
However who host volunteers and filming makers interested in doing voluntary work at peace for conservation on creating ng documentary, supporting on editing and organizing ng filming class to our staff and local community interested to learn photography and filming.
The organization sign an agreement for co-operation on a Mentorship program with the NGO Photographer Alliance based Australia www.ngo-photographers.com to be holding a Mentorship program in conjunction with Peace for Conservation. This Mentorship program is an intensive ten days program combining photography and documentary workshops to explore how photography can be used for positive change. This includes discussion on the use of photography on social media profiles; in applications for funding and fundraising; and for media campaigns and posters etc. Training in digital marketing such as social media campaigns; in project management; graphic design; as well as in photography or video editing may also be covered in the program.
The NGOs photographer will bring students/ Volunteer in Tanzania and wildlife filming/ photographer cooperation with peace for conservation, the areas to practice photographer and filming are the Kijereshi game reserve, Serengeti National Park, and in the community.
Peace for conservation welcome other NGOs / Filming maker and volunteers has passion for wildlife filming, photographer and documentaries making for conservation education to cooperate with the organization, if you want to do a filming in cooperation with peace for conservation, send your email to david@peaceforconservation.com for more details or fill application form to book a chance to be a part of a great program.
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